Editor's review
This is a software tool that lets you manage your song collection and generate playlists.
DJ Jukebox is a tool for managing a song library and generating playlists. The interface has tabs to go to different screens that show you the required information. You are able to rate songs individually and thus the tool will choose favorites and play them more often. On the other extreme the ones not rated are not picked up for making a playlist at all. The Playlist tab is where new playlists are generated and sent to a media player. Repetition prevention makes sure no songs are played more than once. The Songs folder contains one large table where each song file is listed and can be rated. The Details screen contains miscellaneous settings that affect playlists and file management. File management features include global search and replace on filenames, copy or delete files, and rename/move directories.
You can rename or move a complete directory, the song table is automatically updated to show the changes. The Jukebox is able to remotely control a media player on a networked computer. User is able to perform text search and replace operation on the song table. The song files are automatically renamed when a change is made. Changes in playing instructions, and volume changes as well as keystrokes from the server can be sent to this remote player. Media file types supported are quite extensive. Repetition prevention ensures songs do not repeat often. It can also ensure that no two consecutive songs are from the same album or artist, or have the same name. DJ Jukebox can insert commercials in a playlist and it can be any type of media file. The average number of commercials per song can be chosen. How often a commercial is played also can be controlled.
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